There are so many parts of life that unfold with time. This also happens at the canvas or while writing, It is true in marriage and in parenting. And it is true in prayer. There are key milestones and rituals that are singularly important, but most of life happens through daily repetition. Gretchen Rubin, in her podcast Happier, has described this well: “What you do every day matters more than what you do once in awhile.” The everyday part matters. The choosing kindness again and again. The choosing commitment again and again. The choosing to show up and be present, to offer care, to be bold, to do your best, to keep going even though you aren’t sure of the destination. There is always a moment when I look at a big canvas, even with my preliminary sketch on it, and think, “Oh my, where do I even begin?” So I begin somewhere small, doing a little work. Then, with time and repetition of effort, it all comes together. By painting a little bit each day, I get somewhere.
—Bronwen Mayer Henry, Radioactive Painting